Today I added þe Spiele ƿebleaf. Originally, I intended on posting rulez to a different game I created, but I ƿasn't sure if it ƿas good enough to share, so I created þis new game (Zonez Ov Kontrol) and posted it instead. A few dayz ago I added a few additions to Kvarrach. I have also written a short story yesterday, but I have yet to post it here for I ƿish to do some revisionz on it first. I don't ƿant to share it until I am satisfied wiþ it.


Today I added a few more ƿebleaves to Eventyr, updated My Orþography to include Yogh (Ȝ), added Þe Fallen Temple to My Poetry, and wrote a short example verse in my Kvarrach language. Little by little, þis ƿebstead is getting expanded. I'm alloƿing myself to indulge more and more in my interests in English archæisms, Germanik languages generally (Especially, Norsk und Deutsch), Anglish, Old English, Middle English, and my attempts to bring þem altogeþer in some strange ƿay. Þus far I have not mentioned my musikal interests on þis ƿebstead because it has not yet been relevant, but I am planning on writing lyriks in Kvarrach at some point. Maybe some day I'll kreate musik exklusive to þis ƿebstead.


Yesterday, I created þis site. I added pages for My Poetry (Including V poems), Kvarrach, and My Orþography. Now, today, I have created the News page, which will simply mention updates and anyþing related to projects on þe site. I will also try to get some more work done on Kvarrach tonight. I have a few more ideas for stuff to add to þe site in general, but most of it isn't really fit for publishing yet.
I'm writing þis next sentence a few hourz later after þe previous onez to add þæt I have added þe Eventyr ƿebleaf. It is a text adventure in progress, written as an excuse to write some more poetry ƿiðin a different medium. I have also started using Ƿynn (Ƿ).

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